
C A S T R O    S C E N E    # 9
" M O U N T  O L Y M P U S " clone


This altar-like hilltop in the Castro is known by several names including Mount Olympus, Corona Heights, and very informally, The Swish Alps! It is a popular late night spot for viewing everything from the Castro and downtown, to the Berkeley Hills across the bay.

On December 4, 2001, I was contacted by a man named Frank W. who told me "According to map page 388 of the Planning Department, Mount Olympus is at the top of Upper Terrace, NE of the intersection of 17th St. and Clayton St.". Officially, it is "Corona Heights Playground". A friend of mine who grew up living on Roosevelt Way with the hill practically in his back yard, told me that he never heard it called "Mount Olympus". He and his friends called it "Rocky". They played ball in the playground until the mid-70's when gays took it over as a convenient spot for sunbathing.


This page created October 27, 2000 and modified December 4, 2001
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